Tech Radar Trends Quarter 3 2024


We are starting to include the tooling used by our QA teams, that means TestQuality and Cypress are now in our Adopt tier.

Although when given the choice our go to when preparing test plans is Azure Devops, our clients most frequently request TestQuality as their Test Management system, which combined with the maturity and quality of the system justifies it's adoption. Although Selenium has been a common occurrence in many of our projects over the years, even outside of test automation, our standard choice for test automation is Cypress.
Still on the subject of Software Quality, we decided to include SonarQube to the adopt category considering how many of our CI Pipelines are set up to run SonarQube to give further guarantees of code quality and cleanliness.

 On the topic of Artificial Intelligence (AI) , to answer to requests from clients that require a more personalized AI solution we are evaluating how well Copilot Studio can be used to respond to such requests.

Copilot Studio - Cloud - Assess
SonarQube - Tools - Adopt
Cypress - Platforms - Adopt
TestQuality - Tools – Adopt

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